Healthy air
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According to WHO, around 92% of people worldwide breathe polluted air. The so-called particulate matter that easily enters Your lungs and then Your bloodstream is one of the biggest hazards. Among others heating sector, industry, road transport or home furnaces are responsible for its emission into the atmosphere.
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Do you wear an anti-smog mask on the way to work? Meanwhile, the air quality in the office equally negatively affects your well-being. Reduced level of concentration, headaches, fatigue – their cause may be a high concentration of Volatile Organic Compounds, which are emitted, among others by varnishes, paints, furniture, rugs etc. Due to HVAC systems, microorganisms (especially fungi and viruses) responsible for Your frequent colds and infections accumulate in the office.
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In the gym, instead of keeping fit, you harm your health. This results from poor air quality caused by high VOC concentration (including cleaning and disinfecting agents) or harmful particles coming from the ventilation system. What's more, microbial pollutants accumulate intensively due to the respiratory tract and skin of the exercisers. During training, You breathe in much more because of the higher oxygen demand.
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Cinema, restaurant, medical clinic, SPA centre – no matter where You decide to go, You will be exposed to inhalation of pollutants. It is estimated that indoor air quality is up to 10 times worse than outside.
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The problem of poor air quality also applies to Your home. In places where you rest, raise children or work every day, there is a high concentration of pollutants. According to WHO, around 7 million people die worldwide because of them.

Contemporary lifestyle means that you spend
approx. 90% of Your time
Despite this, public awareness of the so-called indoor pollution is still low.
Check how to restore air its life-giving force!