Healthy air

Breathe healthily, live longer
Air condition
World Health Organization (WHO) warns that 92% of people worldwide breathe polluted air. You have heard many times that during the time of increased level of harmful substances concentration, it is worth not leaving closed rooms – houses, offices, schools or kindergartens, etc. However, this does not mean that the pollution does not penetrate through the walls of the buildings. What’s more, numerous studies show that the level of indoor pollution can be up to 10 times higher than outside.
WHO informs that:
- 9 out of 10 people in the world breathe polluted air,
- almost 700,000 children under five die each year as a result of air pollution,
- one of the most harmful substances for human health is the so-called particulate matter (PM),
- air pollution is recognized as the greatest environmental threat to human health.
Według danych Ministerstwa Środowiska w Polsce rocznie na skutek chorób spowodowanych zanieczyszczeniem powietrza umiera około 45 tysięcy osób. Choć większość z nas nie ma wpływu na zanieczyszczenia generowane przez zakłady przemysłowe, możemy działać dla czystego powietrza więcej niż nam się wydaje poprzez nasze codzienne wybory i pragmatyczne decyzje.
How does clean air affect health?
Breathing clean air adds energy, affects our well-being, allows us to concentrate better, gives us the opportunity to cope with greater effort, calms down, makes us relax better, we have a deeper and calmer sleep.
Clean air supports the self-cleaning of our body. Breathing clean air, we are less susceptible to infections and diseases, including lung diseases, asthma, heart attacks and strokes. Clean air has a clear correlation between the results of children and schoolchildren in science and various types of psychometric tests.
Types and sources of pollution
Air pollution is a major cause of global environmental threats. The definition of pollution defines it as any air pollution by substances that are injurious to health or dangerous for other reasons, regardless of their physical form. Burning fossil fuels, agricultural activities, mining operations are just some of the main causes of air pollution. Most often and most pollute the atmosphere: carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust.
We write more about this on our blog
Where do You breathe polluted air?
Office – your workplace
working in office buildings, especially the so-called And of class, you are doomed to artificial air circulation. Ventilation is constantly stirring up dust, and air conditioning equipment is a mold plantation and an incubator for bacteria. Cleaning and freshening agents used for cleaning are contamination with volatile organic compounds (VOC), additional dust and VOC pollution are generated by printers and copiers.
Forced air circulation spreads everything directly to your lungs.
This accumulation of pollutants causes the air to be contaminated from 4-10x more than outside.
Gym, fitness club – your place of rest
The smell of sweat is the result of the action of bacteria that break down sweat, a hallmark of microbial contamination present in the air. By training by mail, you breathe deeply and you absorb it very well. In some objects you feel less, but it is the result of the use of cleaning and disinfecting chemicals, For you it is additional VOC contamination.
Medical facilities – your place of treatment
Small rooms, many people, special places to restore health, but can create the possibility of spreading pathogens by air. Often cleaned with the help of funds
chemical and sanitizing agents additionally generates high VOC pollution.
Public places – your meeting places
Do you participate in training, learn? Schools and colleges, hotels, restaurants, clubs. Each of these places promotes the spread of viruses or bacteria.
Everywhere the air is polluted with VOC.
How to check the air condition in rooms?
Air purity sensors are helpful in checking indoor air quality. More expensive professional and cheaper devices are available, showing only the basic parameters of air purity: dust pollution PM10, PM 2.5.
Air quality sensors are available in both professional stationary stores selling electronic equipment and online stores. Prices depend on the number of functions and the accuracy of the measured parameters of the size and brand of the device.